
+ Guillaume Saur
> Composites_lexicaux

> Interested in the deployment of poetry in all its forms, Éditions du Noroît and Galerie Galerie are delighted with the realization of this project which blurs the boundaries between the materiality of the book object and the intimate universe of a personal reading. This work by Guillaume Saur, both playful and profound, allows a total immersion in the collections of eight poets selected by the artist, but also in eight visual and sound worlds that dialogue with each other.

Art of the image, of the breath, of the scope, poetry unfolds here through new layers, new networks of meaning. From words to earth, from earth to fire, from fire to bedroom, the work comes out of the book to better rebound on the porous walls of the essence, of the preliminary intention of the artists. Digital technology enriches the ways of speech and offers an unexpected sensory spark, like the thrill felt by the living body that discovers a resonance between its experience and that made possible by the artistic creation of others.

We invite you to let yourself be guided by the associations of words that challenge your intuition, your sensitivity: each immersive reading experience is unique and will lead you to new ways of conceiving the poem._



> Guillaume Saur is a visual artist living and working in Montreal whose artistic practice is rooted in the various alterations of the contemporary image. He holds a BFA in Photography from Concordia University in Montreal (2020), and an MFA in Visual Art from Emily Carr University in Vancouver (2022). His work has been presented in several galleries and festivals in Canada such as the Libby Leshgold Gallery in Vancouver, Maytens Project in Toronto, and the Art Matters Festival in Montreal. His artistic approach unfolds through immersive and empathetic installations influenced by a wide range of emotional nuances._